Difficulty: 1
Category: 1

Place Distance Altitude
Start: (09:54:00) Praha 0,00 km 210 hm
Modrany 4,86 km 189 hm
To je ono misto!!! 44 444 km 10,03 km 193 hm
Vrane nad Vltavou 13,08 km 204 hm
Zvole 17,57 km 390 hm
Tocna 24,10 km 347 hm
Zase Modrany 31,01 km 195 hm
Cil zase Praha 35,37 km 214 hm

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Region ???
Tour Name
Distance 35,37 km
Altitude 282 hm
Length 01:49:00 h
Rec. Gear ???
Note: ???

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